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 We raise a simple Contract upon receipt of a Registration Form and there is a Registration Fee of £30 payable at this time. The contract states the Terms and Conditions under which we operate. Fees are payable from the time a place is allocated and charged for the full year, payable in advance.

They can be paid in twelve monthly instalments, four weekly or weekly. We are open 51 weeks of the year 8:00am to 6:00pm. We are closed all Bank and Public holidays and for three days between Christmas and New Year.

Our Requirements:

1) We ask that you provide your own nappies and baby wipes. Each baby has their own clearly labelled basket which parents should check regularly and keep stocked with nappies, wipes and spare clothes.

2) If your baby still requires formula milk, please bring the bottles with the correct amount of water and a separate container with the correct amount of powder.

3) We ask that your child has a spare set of clothes at nursery at all times and that children do not wear their 'best' clothes but something comfortable and conducive to the various activities they will be taking part in.

4) Parents must provide appropriate outdoor protection for their child eg. sun cream and sun hats in summer, wellies, hats, gloves & warm/waterproof coats in winter.

5) Children must normally attend for at least two days a week. We do not believe it is in your child's best interests to only attend nursery for one day a week. A week is a very long time to a child. Single days will only be offered subject to availabiity and we reserve the right to change the day if it becomes necessary.