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Our Baby and Toddler Room

This room is based downstairs being structured and equipped for babies and toddlers from the age of six weeks up to the age of two years. The most children we would have in this room is fourteen which would be with five childcare practitioners, ensuring that your baby or toddler receives the individual care and attention they need throughout the day from our caring and dedicated team.

All activities in our baby and toddler room revolve around the child's first experiences of the world, and to that end, we have all manner of equipment and resources to stimulate and encourage the babies' development. The environment and resources provided by staff focus on imaginative, exploratory, investigatory and sensory play experiences. The staff focus strongly on helping your child to develop their communication and language skills together with emotional and physical support, encouragement and development.

Our baby and toddler room is bright and stimulating, yet cosy and secure, with lots of space for early movement. To the side of this room we have a beautiful separate outdoor play area which provides further opportunities to play, learn and explore. The floor is weatherproof being fully covered with imitation grass and also sheltered, providing a lovely stimulating environment for the babies and toddlers to use throughout the year.

When you decide that you would like to bring your baby to our nursery we will arrange your first visit with us, a few weeks before he or she starts. Further visits will then be arranged tailored to support you and your baby and building up gradually to leaving your baby safely in our care. These sessions allow all our staff to get to know you and your baby establishing a relationship and gaining as much information as possible about your baby. Your baby's day will be filled with activities and opportunities provided through a variety of toys and resources, including heuristic play and treasure baskets, messy play, exploration, talking, singing and music, and lots of hugs.

Our staff are very friendly and flexible and will do their utmost to make your child's nursery routine the same as your routine at home. Your baby will be allocated a Key Person who will develop a bond with you and your child and liaise closely with you regarding all aspects of you child's development and care. Reassuringly, in such a small, homely environment all the staff will get to know your child and form a close bond with them.

Once your baby or child has started nursery they will have their own storage box for their personal belongings including spare clothes, nappies, wipes and creams etc.

Babies and toddlers have a daily sheet completed to share with you detailing how long they have slept, how much milk they have had, nappy changes and contents, the foods they have eaten, etc. Obviously the staff will let you know what your child has been doing all day and how they have been generally.

"The staff in the baby rooms have been excellent. I have been able to talk to them about anything. They are very helpful and make you feel confident in leaving my child in their care"

As your child develops their growing confidence, independence and mobility is encouraged and enhanced through various activities and opportunities including painting, mark making, cutting, sticking, water and sand play, music and movement, malleable and messy play, physical play, construction, baking, etc.

We have high chairs for the youngest children and tiny wooden chairs and tables for them to sit at when they are ready to do so. Gradually, we will work with you to wean your baby onto a varied menu of homemade food rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. Whilst in this room your child will learn how to use cutlery and drink from a cup.

There is a child size toilet available for the children to use and also potties which can be used in complete privacy as and when your child is ready to start toilet training.

When your child is at least two years old they may be ready to move upstairs. This will only be done after discussion with yourself, and when we are all in agreement that we feel your child is ready. Full information regarding your child will be passed onto the new Key Person prior to gradual admission sessions being arranged. Your child will have as many sessions as we feel necessary before actually moving and we will liaise with you and keep you fully informed at all times.